Dermaga Hati

yyyaaaaah daripada banyak melamun,berharap ridho-Nya dan selalu memperbaiki akhlak,aqidah dan ketauhidan hamba ini yg masih kurang bersyukur dan masih menduakan-Nya. "jangan menyebarkan ilmu yang bertujuan agar manusia membetulkanmu dan menganggap baik kepadamu, akan tetapi sebarkanlah ilmu dengan tujuan agar Allah swt. Membenarkanmu"(Syekh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a.)

Muhammad (sammi yusuf)

Every day I see the same headlines

Crimes committed in the name of the divine

People committing atrocities in his name

They murder and kidnap with no shame

But did he teach hatred, violence, or bloodshed? No... Oh No

He taught us about human brotherhood

And against prejudice he firmly stood He loved children, their hands he’d hold

And taught his followers to respect the old

So would he allow the murder of an innocent child? Oh No...


Muhammad ya rasulallah Muhammad ya habiballah Muhammad ya khalilallah Muhammad

Muhammad ya rasulallah Muhammad ya shafi’allah Muhammad ya bashirallah Ya rasulallah

Muhammad the light of my eyes About you they spread many lies

If only they came to realise Bloodshed you despise


The Diary said...

mas...dikasih shoutbox dong biar mudah ninggalin pesannya...